Eyes to See Endorsements - Compassion Canada
Compassion is the real deal. Having been on several trips with Compassion, I’ve seen first-hand the incredible impact their work has on children, families, and communities. Best of all, it’s administered effectively through the local church… an approach that truly advances the Kingdom. This study will open your eyes, and your heart, to the role of the Church in caring for those in need. Carey Nieuwhof, Founding and Teaching Pastor, Connexus Church in Barrie, ON Nothing has been used of God in our family’s heart like Compassion. And nothing is more important than eyes to see. “Looking comes first,” wrote C.S. Lewis. First, the eyes. Change starts here. And Eyes to See—is an awakening that your soul, the church, and the world has been longing for. Not one of us can afford to look away. Ann Voskamp, Author of The New York Times bestsellers The Broken Way and One Thousand Gifts Good intentions to help the poor are not enough. As followers of Jesus and fellow neighbors with people suffering in poverty, we must have both a heart and a mind for the poor. Eyes to See helps us develop both. This book will challenge you not only to participate in God’s work of reconciliation, but to open yourself to be transformed as well. Eyes to See brings some of the best Christian thinkers on the topics of poverty, justice and reconciliation. But more than just a topical exploration, you also get to meet people like Simon, Michelle, and Anna and learn from their experiences overcoming obstacles and finding hope. Russ Debenport, Vice President of Programs, The Chalmers Center One of the first names of God in scripture is “the God who sees me.” It is a powerful revelation indeed. The scriptures suggest that salvation involves repentance and repentance literally means to change our perception. Eyes to See offers us a chance to explore God and change the way we see the world. This is how salvation comes to earth! Eyes to See offers us an encounter with the God who sees us. It is a world changing perspective that is deeply needed in our current culture. Danielle Strickland, Social Justice Secretary, The Salvation Army Eyes to See is designed for those who want to understand why God cares so much for those in poverty and facing injustice, and are prepared to learn how loving and serving the poor is an essential aspect of becoming a follower of Christ. Grounded in the sweep of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, and full of practical ways to respond locally and globally, Eyes to See will equip its users to join Jesus today in a journey of restoration that will bring hope to many in our broken and violent world. Ed Wilson, Executive Director, International Justice Mission Canada What a brilliant resource to help give us eyes to see from God’s perspective what we often can’t see or won’t see because we feel overwhelmed with the need around us, or are simply distracted with what is happening in our own immediate world. Eyes to Seegives us a unique view and shares how we can practically bring the love of Jesus into a hurting and dying world. It brings a message of hope and solution and invites us to open our hearts and our hands to make a difference in the life of one person at a time. I truly appreciate the vibrant message of faith, hope and love that is woven into every chapter of this beautiful book. Helen Burns, Host, Hillsong Channel and Pastor, Relate Church in Surrey, BC For too long our conversation about poverty has been limited by stereotypes and myths that have hindered our response to God’s call for justice. Eyes to See gives us a new language and perspective to understand poverty differently and opens up new ways for a faithful response. This is a powerful resource that will empower congregations to move beyond charity and creatively imagine more effective actions that embody God’s vision of shalom. Derek Cook, Director of the Canadian Poverty Institute, Ambrose University Whether it be observation from a distance or an up close visit to the mission field, I have found Compassion to be powerfully filled with Christlikeness and boldness for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love their heart for Jesus, for excellence and I love their heart for the local church. I deeply value their approach to the Kingdom and their desire to see others bearing much fruit for Jesus Christ.Eyes to See is another great resource to see the people of God equipped to live out their role in God’s mission at home and around the world. I wholeheartedly support Compassion, and as a church we are thrilled to be partners with them for what matters most. Robbie Symons, Senior Pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel in Oakville, ON Poverty is a complex issue. But, it’s also simple. This resource helps us to understand many of its complexities, but also is built on a foundation that is Jesus. Without Jesus, we are all poor. We are excited to see this tool used to deepen your understanding and practice of how to bring Jesus and help to those in need. Rev. Wayne Smele, Executive Pastor of Global Mission, Centre Street Church in Calgary, AB What would happen if you took six weeks out of your life to passionately seek God’s perspective on our broken world? I think it would revolutionize you – and the world. Eyes to See guides us through this journey, helping us understand that poverty is not only external but that it lives within each one of us. I would challenge every person of faith to embark on this important journey. Cheryl Weber, Co-host, 100 Huntley Street Compassion Canada has provided us with another tremendously valuable discipleship tool. Eyes to See is designed to ground us theologically, motivate us emotionally, and inspire us practically to engage more thoughtfully and substantively in issues of justice and poverty around the world. This resource will educate and ignite action that will both help us replicate the heart of God and meet needs in meaningful ways. Get it, read it, let it grip your heart and then live it! Dr. Michael B. Pawelke, President, Briercrest College & Seminary So often it feels like we can agree that something should be done to alleviate global poverty but we quickly get stuck in the overwhelming quicksand of, “Yes, but how?” Thanks, Compassion, for giving us the eyes to see how to become active parts of the solution. Personally, as a parent and as a pastor, this resource is an incredible gift! Jeff Lockyer, Lead Pastor, Southridge Community Church in St. Catharines, ON I love this resource. I was reminded that until we see poverty as relational and spiritual brokenness, we may never then begin to imagine the solution to eradicating it. There are no quick fixes. The action points call us to seeing with fresh eyes – and point us to a future where there will be no tears. I encourage any and all who call themselves followers of Christ to engage with Eyes to See. Cathie Ostapchuk, Co-Founder and Chief Catalyst, Gather Women I am always looking for resources that will serve the local church and believers well in understanding the complex dynamics at the intersection of faith and the world we live in. Eyes to See is such a resource. In a methodical and engaging way, individuals and small groups will find it easy to wrestle with the material and yet be challenged to make real changes that will shape and form them for a lifetime in tangible ways. Open your eyes and see what God can do with you when you get serious about knowing His will for your life and the lives of our neighbours in need across the world! Darren Roorda, Canadian Ministries Director, Christian Reformed Church in North America [The early church wrote in Galations 2:10]: “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along.” Whenever there is mention of the poor, I am eager to help but, how? Poverty is far more than just the absence of money. This resource is an excellent opportunity to open your eyes to what is really missing: the reflection of Christ through the life of you and I, the Church. Rick Boyes, Lead Pastor, Gateway Church in London, ON If you’re like me, I can stumble though life quite easily, tripping over God’s priorities and dismissing them to the shadows. It’s as if the busy hustle and culture’s cues around me have darkened my way and I can’t clearly see the things that are closest to God’s heart. Compassion’s Eyes to See is a resource that turns on the lights and illuminates my path again. It’s thoroughly rooted in scripture with thoughtful quotes, engaging reflections, and meaty questions to help awaken us with fresh eyes to see God’s foremost concern for the poverty within us and the poor among us. Christa Hesselink, Leader, Speaker & Author of Life’s Great Dare: Risking it All for the Abundant Life It’s been said that the local church is the hope of the world… when it’s working right. To be honest though, blessed with its affluence, the church in North America hasn’t always gotten it right when it comes to overcoming a collective blind spot toward poverty in our broken world. I predict this superb resource will be a powerful tool to engage thoughtful Christ followers. More than a tool to inform, it’s a reimagined call to wise and courageous action. Special thanks to Compassion Canada for envisioning the church, including ours, to think and act more like Jesus. Jerry Reddy, Senior Pastor, Hillside Baptist Church in Moncton, NB Compassion’s Eyes to See brings the reader on a journey, soundly placing them and the issue of poverty in the overarching Biblical narrative from the Garden of Eden to the promised renewal of all things. Here, we find not only the underlying universal root of poverty, our sin and brokenness, but also the universal solution of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Eyes to See is informing and inspiring, full of hope, with timeless Biblical truth and timely stories and ideas from across the world and across our country. Jeff Scott, Pastor, WestVillage Church in Ottawa, ON I look forward to introducing this great study to our small groups. Thank you for helping us think about poverty relationally and spiritually, and then inspiring us to respond in concrete and practical ways. It is rare to find curriculum that helps us increase in knowledge and wisdom. Susan Moore, Director of Adult Ministries, Grant Memorial Church in Winnipeg, MB