What does God want us to do about poverty?
We want to help those in need, but where do we start—and what does God expect of us? Teens will discover the answers for themselves in True Story: What God wants us to do about poverty, a curriculum designed for churches, youth groups and Christian education settings.
Can teens really make a difference?
Yes! Teens can be powerful agents of change. We've seen it happen time and again in Compassion's ministry to children and youth—and it's what we want your teens to learn for themselves in this six-week curriculum!

What will teens learn?
True Story is designed to help teens discover their role in God’s story of restoring the world. Students will journey alongside Alyssa, a teen from Toronto, and explore:
- the spiritual nature of poverty,
- God’s heart for those in need,
- and the unique role of the Church.
Students will be drawn closer to Christ as they discover the difference they can make in the world—and the difference they can help others make as well.
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