This project will help: 25 young people
Completion date: February 2027
Country: Colombia
Executive summary
In Soledad, Atlántico, Colombia, the CO0567 Compassion centre serves a total of 298 children, teens and young adults. Here, staff provide beneficiaries with educational resources, nourishing meals and caring guidance, with the goal of helping children and youths reach their God-given potential. Although staff do everything they can to support and mentor students, young people in their community face many challenges as they near the end of Compassion’s development program.
According to UNICEF, just under half of students in Colombia attend upper secondary school. However, our church partners report that only 3 per cent of the vulnerable students they serve have gone on to attend a post-secondary training program. Some students have registered with SENA (National Learning Education Service), a state organization that offers free vocational training courses. However, of the 48 students who recently completed high school, only 12 entered a SENA program. Other students have taken short-term courses to find a job as quickly as possible, and some take no training at all due to severe financial constraints.
Youth unemployment in Colombia is high—Colombia’s Ministry of Labor and the National Administrative Department of Statistics reported that 40 per cent of the young workforce is currently unemployed. Sadly, many young people living in communities like Soledad, Atlántico, experience high levels of poverty and lack the resources needed to pursue a higher education such as college, university or vocational training. Without marketable skills, young men and women struggle to find work. Young people who cannot find jobs often find themselves in dangerous situations and are more likely to abuse substances, join gangs or have early pregnancies. They also experience high rates of psychological disorders linked to the deterioration of relationships and the feelings of loneliness, low self-esteem and discouragement about the future. Staff at CO0567 know how important it is for young people to enter the job market fully equipped and prepared and see that vocational training can provide students with highly sought-after skills in the local labour market.
This intervention will allow 25 young men and women from CO0567 to attend vocational training courses of their choice for two years. Youth will choose from training courses such as marketing assistant, early childhood education assistant, nursing assistant, financial assistant, accounting and administrative assistant. Your gift will provide participating students with the crucial skills and knowledge needed to find in-demand jobs in their community, allowing them to support themselves and their families and create a bright future.
The CO0567 Compassion centre lies in the municipality of Soledad, Atlántico, Colombia. The centre’s staff have identified a need to improve the economic security of participating families and have been offering training to participants and caregivers in income-generating skills. Staff have also provided caregivers with information about local post-secondary school options, such as SENA and a new free public university accepting enrolment in their region, in hopes that more students will attend university or vocational training. Despite their efforts, post-secondary enrolment among participants is still low—only four registered beneficiaries are currently attending university.
Since 2020, staff have focused on providing students with vocational training in skills such as beauty and cosmetology, baking and beadwork. Young people and caregivers have shown enthusiasm and a strong interest in vocational training, prompting staff to gather the necessary tools and resources and designate specific classrooms for training sessions. Staff hope to continue equipping caregivers and young people with competitive, in-demand skills so that more families in their community can become economically self-sufficient.
The need
Many youths and young people living in Soledad, Atlántico, Colombia, dream of a brighter future—but without marketable skills or formal training, they face many obstacles that may severely hinder their opportunities in life. High rates of unemployment create a bleak outlook for young people—especially those Compassion’s frontline church partners serve—leaving them with little hope of ever breaking the cycle of poverty and pursuing their dreams.
With your generous support, 25 young men and women age 16 to 19 from the CO0567 Compassion centre will attend a two-year vocational training program of their choice. While enrolled, students will learn highly marketable, in-demand skills. Participants will also develop their “life projects”—a plan to help guide them as they enter adulthood and join the workforce. Caregivers will be encouraged to support their teens throughout their studies and will contribute financially to the last module of their children’s training program. The church will cover the cost of transportation for each student.
Your gift will ensure students gain the knowledge, resources and experience needed to find jobs such as early childhood educators, nursing assistants, accountants and administrators. With your gift, students will be empowered to secure stable employment, break generational cycles of poverty and build a brighter future.
What your gift will do
Your gift will allow 25 students in Soledad, Atlántico, Colombia, to attend a two-year vocational training program of their choice, including:
- Registration and tuition fees
- Grade fees
- Professional mentorship to support students’ “life projects”
- Meetings with participants and caregivers
- Proposal administrator
- Administrative expenses and stationery
- Local contribution: US$3,065.77
- Handling of funds: Compassion Colombia will work with centre leadership to ensure this intervention stays within budget.
- Monitoring and follow-up: Centre staff will monitor and report on each student’s academic progress. Students will work with professional mentors throughout training to help develop and support their life project plans.