It’s easy to take advantage of those little moments to share a thought or two and encourage someone that they can make a difference! Be prepared for those moments by deciding now how you will effectively share.
If you have one minute or less:
Often someone will ask you, “What’s new?” or “Anything interesting going on?” Take those few seconds to share about a letter you’ve recently received from your sponsored child. Let them know about an event you recently helped at, or the fundraiser that is being planned. It only takes a moment to plant a seed.
If you have five minutes:
Here are some questions to think about ahead of time as you decide what you might say about your sponsorship experience. With five minutes or less, you could share a few impactful thoughts with someone.
Ask yourself:
Why did I first become a sponsor?
Describe your experience and use some descriptive details to paint the picture for someone who doesn’t know about Compassion.
How has sponsorship changed my life?
If you can, create an honest point of connection with the person you’re talking to. Your desire to be a part of global missions, to foster compassion within the hearts of your own family, to serve those in need, or to step out in faith financially could really resonate with him or her. Consider how your journeys may align.
What could I share about the child I sponsor?
Pictures are a big plus here! Show any photos and letters you have, and share details of your child’s life that you’ve learned – things like his or her interests, family life, health concerns, and dreams for the future. Nothing speaks louder than a picture or two and it’s an easy way to pass along your passion for the ministry of Compassion.
If you have more time:
Sometimes we are blessed with the opportunity to share in a long heart-felt conversation or present to a group. Make use of the above questions and expand to a few sentences per topic. You can add what makes Compassion unique and trustworthy. Share why someone should sponsor with Compassion. Also, if you are presenting to a group, consider using our amazing Sharing Compassion resources!
And…always pray
Ask God to guide you to the right person, and to guide that person to the right child. Pray that He will begin preparing your friend’s heart, even now, to be sensitive and responsive to what He may be calling him or her to do.
We trust these few ideas will equip you to be able to share YOUR unique Compassion story with anyone!
Tracy Smith
Volunteer Network Manager
Compassion Canada