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We found 3 results for the El Salvador category. Showing all results.

Links to We fight together: Little Valery triumphs over leukemia

We fight together: Little Valery triumphs over leukemia

“Before I underwent that medical process, I was a happy girl. I began experiencing strange symptoms, and I knew something was wrong. After the tests, Mommy approached me and said, ‘Valery, you must be brave.’” Valery was only three years old when her health deteriorated sharply. It was already a difficult moment, as the COVID-19 […]

date: May 30, 2024
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Links to Wonderfully made: Meet 3 incredible Compassion kids with Down syndrome

Wonderfully made: Meet 3 incredible Compassion kids with Down syndrome

Around the world, kids with Down syndrome face immense challenges: They are denied a quality education, good health care, the chance to work and earn their own money and the right to make decisions about their own lives (WDSD). Compassion is committed to releasing all children from poverty in Jesus’ name—regardless of their challenges and […]

date: March 19, 2024
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Links to Fathers in poverty: Fighting for their families in big and small ways

Fathers in poverty: Fighting for their families in big and small ways

If the life of a father had a soundtrack, “Somebody’s Watching Me” would be on it. The life of a father is an observed life. Little eyes watch and remember the things you do—big or small. You get a laugh at the cute ways your everyday habits are mimicked. Or you chuckle at a repeated […]

date: June 16, 2022
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