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We found 4 results for the Boliva category. Showing all results.
Wonderfully made: Meet 3 incredible Compassion kids with Down syndrome
Around the world, kids with Down syndrome face immense challenges: They are denied a quality education, good health care, the chance to work and earn their own money and the right to make decisions about their own lives (WDSD). Compassion is committed to releasing all children from poverty in Jesus’ name—regardless of their challenges and […]
Inspiring inclusion: Five Bolivian mothers challenge norms
In the face of hardship, discrimination and poverty, five fearless Bolivian women are defying conventions and challenging stereotypes by thriving in unexpected occupations for females—a bricklayer, a taxi driver, a mine guard, a carpenter and a brickmaker. This International Women’s Day, we want to champion these women and all the women they represent who are […]
Holy vulnerability: A baby King and an upside-down Kingdom
It’s rowdy. There’s a rhythmic clopping from heavy hooves. The dust kicks up to kiss the dry air. In and out— there’s heavy breathing from an exhausted, overwhelmed girl. The sound of villagers rushing up and down the streets crescendos into the heat of the day. Doors slam, bellowing voices shout, “No room!” It’s unassuming. […]
5 South American grandparents share words of wisdom with their grandchildren
In South America, it’s common to find children raised by their grandparents. It could be because parents are working in another city, have migrated to another country, passed away or decided to abandon their children. Yet, despite the challenges, grandparents do their best to care for their grandchildren and inspire wisdom and faith in them […]