Search Results

We found 3 results for the Peru category. Showing all results.

Links to Transformed futures: The impact of Compassion’s youth development program

Transformed futures: The impact of Compassion’s youth development program

Holistic child development is Compassion’s “buzzword.” It hums through our organization at every level, bringing our mission to life. We get excited about it. Why? Because it is so effective! Holistic child development is our distinctive approach to ending child poverty because it creates whole-life transformation. Every age and stage is accounted for—from womb to […]

date: September 18, 2024
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Links to 5 South American grandparents share words of wisdom with their grandchildren

5 South American grandparents share words of wisdom with their grandchildren

In South America, it’s common to find children raised by their grandparents. It could be because parents are working in another city, have migrated to another country, passed away or decided to abandon their children. Yet, despite the challenges, grandparents do their best to care for their grandchildren and inspire wisdom and faith in them […]

date: September 6, 2022
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Links to Fathers in poverty: Fighting for their families in big and small ways

Fathers in poverty: Fighting for their families in big and small ways

If the life of a father had a soundtrack, “Somebody’s Watching Me” would be on it. The life of a father is an observed life. Little eyes watch and remember the things you do—big or small. You get a laugh at the cute ways your everyday habits are mimicked. Or you chuckle at a repeated […]

date: June 16, 2022
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