September Newsletter

    September 2017

    Kindle the flame…

    What do you love about volunteering with Compassion? How did you get started? How have you been sharing your sponsorship story? We know that when you share how your special Compassion child/ren joined your family, others have a natural curiosity and it opens the door for you to introduce a waiting child to their future sponsor!

    It’s been said throughout the years that one of the best investments you can make in your role, as a volunteer and as a sponsor, is to visit Compassion’s ministry in the field. Seeing the local church in action, hearing from pastors and leaders, meeting the children and their families, and actually witnessing firsthand what an impact sponsorship is making! There’s nothing that can compete with being there in person. A whole new depth of understanding and appreciation comes alive!

    Would you consider traveling with us this coming year to keep that fire alive in your heart?
    Upcoming trips for 2018 are: Colombia in January, Nicaragua in April, El Salvador in July and Ghana in September (email our Field Experience team for more information).

    Read about volunteers greatly impacted by meeting their Compassion child and seeing Compassion’s ministry on the field.

    Watch inspiring videos about volunteers, Compassion children and the local church that will lift your heart and equip you to share with others.

    Take time weekly to read what is happening on the field, along with articles full of great information about Compassion – right here on our Compassion Canada Blog.

    Do you have any other ways you keep the flame kindled for volunteering? We’d love to hear from you!

    Sharing our story together,

    Tracy SmithTracy Smith
    Volunteer Network Manager
    Compassion Canada