Search Results

We found 107 results for the Global Program category. Showing results 41 to 50.

Links to WATCH: Compassion alumna Ria connects with her former Compassion centre

WATCH: Compassion alumna Ria connects with her former Compassion centre

On July 13, a small group of Compassion sponsors were part of a first-of-its-kind Compassion Canada virtual event. They had the opportunity to join Compassion alumna Ria on a virtual visit to her former Compassion centre, hear more about the impact of sponsorship, and listen in as Ria was reunited with several important people in […]

date: August 15, 2022
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Links to Eric’s story: What makes life meaningful?

Eric’s story: What makes life meaningful?

Each of our lives is one story comprised of many. The stories of our families, the stories of our communities, the stories of our circumstances and perhaps most importantly, the stories whispered to our hearts. It is those stories, the quiet and unrelenting narratives, that can have the biggest influence on our lives. Eric’s life […]

date: August 11, 2022
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Links to Hello, I’m Hunger

Hello, I’m Hunger

Hello, my name is Hunger. You may know my voice. I am a part of the human experience, sending signals to you to help keep you alive. For many people, I am a helpful reminder to pause and provide their bodies with what they need to thrive. However, I must admit that I take my […]

date: August 1, 2022
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Links to Fathers in poverty: Fighting for their families in big and small ways

Fathers in poverty: Fighting for their families in big and small ways

If the life of a father had a soundtrack, “Somebody’s Watching Me” would be on it. The life of a father is an observed life. Little eyes watch and remember the things you do—big or small. You get a laugh at the cute ways your everyday habits are mimicked. Or you chuckle at a repeated […]

date: June 16, 2022
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Links to Day of the African Child: Empowering communities through education

Day of the African Child: Empowering communities through education

As an African child myself, I was raised in the culturally diverse country of Nigeria with a consciousness that formal education is a privilege. Albeit, not in a way that I ever had reason to fear that this access to education could ever be taken away from me, but in a way that allowed me […]

date: June 14, 2022
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Links to Child labour rising: A short documentary

Child labour rising: A short documentary

Child labour. All over the world, young children are required to work hazardous jobs to help their families make ends meet. The reality of child labour is grievous. Many children lose their childhood because of the demand to bring in additional income for their families. This hard work takes a toll on them in more […]

date: June 10, 2022
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Links to How child labour destroys childhood joy

How child labour destroys childhood joy

The sound of children laughing and shrieking as they jump through front lawn sprinklers while their bare feet run freely through freshly cut blades of grass. The tune of the ice cream truck hearkening boys and girls on their scooters and bikes as they follow the familiar melody with the gusto of that “just-out-of-school” joy. […]

date: June 10, 2022
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Links to Martin’s story: A life of service and giving back

Martin’s story: A life of service and giving back

One of the beautiful things about children is their pure and contagious joy. Their ability to see goodness and experience happiness in the small, seemingly insignificant things around them. Childhood naivety can be a gift from God, especially when the circumstances surrounding a child’s life are not the best. It’s as if the harsher realities […]

date: June 2, 2022
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Links to Period privilege and empowering girls to bleed with dignity

Period privilege and empowering girls to bleed with dignity

Ladies, what’s your day like when you’re on your period? I know it may be somewhat of a personal question or something you honestly don’t give much thought to when you’re not on it, but honestly, pause and think about it for a moment because it matters. If you’re not currently experiencing poverty and are […]

date: May 26, 2022
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Links to Ria’s story: Growing in confidence and in Christ

Ria’s story: Growing in confidence and in Christ

My name is Ria. I was born and raised in Baguio City, Philippines and I am a proud Compassion alumna. God has been faithful in my life and I am now able to give back as staff at Compassion Canada and as the sponsor of Roger, who is from the same Compassion centre where I […]

date: May 16, 2022
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