There are so many organizations working for good that you might wonder: what makes Compassion different?
We asked some Compassion kids around the world to tell you what life is like in their country and how Compassion has been right beside them.
Here are the big three things that make us unique!
1. We’re Christ-centred
Jesus is central to everything we do. We want every person to experience the love of Jesus in practical ways and know the good news of Jesus is for them! The teachings of Jesus define what we do and how we do it.
2. We’re child-focused
Children are the most vulnerable population and most in need of protection. We know the kids we serve by name and see each as a whole person with unique needs and dreams. When kids have a chance to overcome poverty, families and communities are transformed.
3. We’re church-driven
We work exclusively with local churches. The local church in each community uniquely knows how to best help their people, and only the church can do all of this with the love of Jesus. Compassion partners churches with people like you. The result is that churches receive the resources they need to live out the teachings of Jesus to love their neighbour and protect the vulnerable.
What does all of that look like in real life? Take a look, see for yourself and join us for a video tour!
Central America
First, we will visit Central America! Meet Valery, Steven, Alexandra, twins Selonge and Miralandie, Damaris, Maria and Ariel. While schools were closed during the pandemic, Compassion centres provided technology and internet access, computer classes, regular visits from centre staff and spiritual encouragement. They learned that they could always count on their local church community during difficult times.
While the past year has caused some regions to be impacted by earthquakes and devastating tropical storms, relief and rebuilding supplies came from Compassion supporters to help these kids know they are loved and never alone.
South America
In South America, we meet five more amazing young people! Hear from Evelyn, João, Sebastian, Yajaira and Piero. In their region, Compassion centres faced new obstacles with creativity and innovation. Compassion centres set up connections to doctors through the phone, which were especially helpful during lockdowns.
When kids couldn’t come to the Compassion centres, centre staff went to the kids and created small fun gatherings for face-to-face social and spiritual development. Even while pandemic lockdowns prevented some normal programs, children knew they were loved and not forgotten by their local church!
On the continent of Africa, helping families create stable sources of income and access relief food supplies is top priority. Here, we see proof that when kids have communities who cheer them on and some basic resources, they can succeed in changing their future! Meet Doriane, Joseph, Samuella, Emily, Evangeline, Adeline, Esther and Joel. You’ll see how, even though they are young, these kids are aware of financial instability.
The food crisis in their countries affects everyone’s lives. Kids are grateful for visits from local church staff to pray. Because of a Compassion partnership, regular food deliveries and even rent support have helped their families not to be afraid. Help also came in the form of mental health supports, safe shelter for people displaced by flooding or political instability and income-generating skills training for families facing unemployment.
In our Asia region, we see further evidence of how the work Compassion does is unique to each country! Meet Tirsha, Divia, Krishali, Princess and Durada. You’ll see how skills training and the gift of a sewing machine from their local church transformed one family, how Compassion centre curriculum is adjusted to address new challenges, how training helps a community protect children from exploitation and just how much it means to the children to receive regular food and hygiene supplies.
Watching these Country Impact videos, it’s impossible not to smile along with these children about how much good is happening, even in the midst of so many challenges.
The proof is right here: Faithful support from Canadians just like you is making a difference every single day. You can read more about how Compassion helps kids here.