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We found 8 results for the Child Development category. Showing all results.

Links to How environmental stewardship has a direct impact on kids in poverty

How environmental stewardship has a direct impact on kids in poverty

“We have a Biblical mandate to care for God’s creation. Children are part of that creation.”   Andrew Leake  In your mind’s eye, imagine a blank sheet of paper.   In the centre, you sketch a child. You now begin to fill in the surrounding space to complete the picture. What fills that blank space? Perhaps […]

date: April 9, 2024
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Links to Wonderfully made: Meet 3 incredible Compassion kids with Down syndrome

Wonderfully made: Meet 3 incredible Compassion kids with Down syndrome

Around the world, kids with Down syndrome face immense challenges: They are denied a quality education, good health care, the chance to work and earn their own money and the right to make decisions about their own lives (WDSD). Compassion is committed to releasing all children from poverty in Jesus’ name—regardless of their challenges and […]

date: March 19, 2024
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Links to Real impact: How Compassion’s program is data-driven and evidence-informed

Real impact: How Compassion’s program is data-driven and evidence-informed

What’s the first thing you think of when you think of a Compassion centre? If your mind’s eye conjures up the sound of children’s laughter and chatter, the sight of gap-toothed grins and wiggling fingers in the air or even the warm feelings of love and acceptance, you’d be right on all accounts. It’s what […]

date: January 18, 2024
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Links to Compassion’s holistic child development at a glance

Compassion’s holistic child development at a glance

The hallmark of Compassion’s program is holistic child development. This approach to ending child poverty considers every part of a child’s life while addressing their needs. It means that we are passionate about helping children develop cognitively, physically, socio-emotionally and spiritually.   You may be asking, “What activities and resources are provided within Compassion’s program to […]

date: July 20, 2023
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Links to What it takes for children in poverty to thrive

What it takes for children in poverty to thrive

How do you impact the lives of more than 2 million children in our world today? How do you ensure that impact lasts? What does it look like to release kids from poverty in Jesus’ name? We’re so glad you asked. In fact, these questions dig into what we are most excited about at Compassion: […]

date: July 5, 2023
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Links to 8 people who play a key role in releasing a child from poverty

8 people who play a key role in releasing a child from poverty

As a Compassion sponsor, you play a crucial role in releasing a child from poverty in Jesus’ name. You help ensure a child has the tools they need to thrive, as part of Compassion’s child sponsorship program. But as you might guess, there are so many people involved in a child’s development. As they say, […]

date: August 24, 2022
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Links to Is sponsorship a band-aid solution to helping kids in poverty?

Is sponsorship a band-aid solution to helping kids in poverty?

Our mission at Compassion is to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Maybe you’ve heard this and asked what exactly does that mean? Releasing kids from poverty—that is easier said than done! And doing it in Jesus’ name? That is a big claim, you might think. And we would say yes, you are right! […]

date: August 18, 2022
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Links to A future for street kids

A future for street kids

According to UN stats, there are up to 150 million children worldwide living on the streets today. Some have had no choice. They were orphaned, abandoned or disowned by their parents. Some have faced war or natural disasters and have no home to return to. Others have opted to brave the dangers of street life […]

date: January 31, 2014
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