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We found 8 results for the Income Generation category. Showing all results.

Links to 6 entrepreneurs that inspire us

6 entrepreneurs that inspire us

When you think of entrepreneurs, what comes to mind? Perhaps someone with a lot of passion? Someone with great ideas? Someone with a strong work ethic? By all accounts, these are very accurate. What comes to mind first for us is someone who creates opportunities. This is the pivotal connection between entrepreneurship and poverty. Creating […]

date: May 10, 2024
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Links to Recycled bottles turn to revenue through jewelry making workshops in Colombia

Recycled bottles turn to revenue through jewelry making workshops in Colombia

Have you ever looked inside your recycling bin and thought: “These boxes and bottles could help support my family”? Most people haven’t. And neither did Patricia. In fact, recycling had never been important to her. At home, Patricia threw the recyclable materials and garbage in the same place without a second thought. She never thought […]

date: April 17, 2024
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Links to Inspiring inclusion: Five Bolivian mothers challenge norms

Inspiring inclusion: Five Bolivian mothers challenge norms

In the face of hardship, discrimination and poverty, five fearless Bolivian women are defying conventions and challenging stereotypes by thriving in unexpected occupations for females—a bricklayer, a taxi driver, a mine guard, a carpenter and a brickmaker. This International Women’s Day, we want to champion these women and all the women they represent who are […]

date: March 4, 2024
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Links to Fruitless to flourishing: How family gardens are transforming Nicaraguan communities

Fruitless to flourishing: How family gardens are transforming Nicaraguan communities

“The biggest blessing is knowing that the Lord has given us resources to create our own jobs and change our realities.”

date: November 1, 2022
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Links to Fathers in poverty: Fighting for their families in big and small ways

Fathers in poverty: Fighting for their families in big and small ways

If the life of a father had a soundtrack, “Somebody’s Watching Me” would be on it. The life of a father is an observed life. Little eyes watch and remember the things you do—big or small. You get a laugh at the cute ways your everyday habits are mimicked. Or you chuckle at a repeated […]

date: June 16, 2022
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Links to Meet Meisy, the Catfish Farmer

Meet Meisy, the Catfish Farmer

It’s World Food Day, and we’re celebrating the sustainable farming initiatives of a Compassion centre in Indonesia who is supporting families without food sources because of COVID-19, through teaching catfish and vegetable farming.

date: October 15, 2020
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Links to Busting some myths on Compassion and community development

Busting some myths on Compassion and community development

This article was originally published in Compassion Canada’s Summer 2020 Magazine. Because we are so committed to and focused on individual child development, a common myth about Compassion’s program is that we don’t do wider community development projects. But the fact is, we invest a lot in community development through what we call our Complementary […]

date: July 16, 2020
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Links to Faces of dignity: Why people in poverty don’t want handouts

Faces of dignity: Why people in poverty don’t want handouts

One thing we all share in common as humanity is a God-given desire to contribute to the world at large and God-given abilities to do so. That’s why most people living in extreme poverty don’t want a handout—they want a sustainable way to provide for themselves and their families. They want the pride of hard […]

date: December 6, 2017
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