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We found 2 results for the Spiritual Development category. Showing all results.

Links to Compassion Foundations: What does it mean for Compassion to be Christ-centred?

Compassion Foundations: What does it mean for Compassion to be Christ-centred?

Christ-centred. Church-driven. Child-focused. These phrases are what we at Compassion call “the three C’s”—and they set the tone for everything we do. If you’ve been journeying with us for any length of time, these words may ring familiar in your ears. But what do they really mean? In our new three-part blog series, Compassion Foundations, […]

date: July 3, 2024
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Links to Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

As a Christian ministry, we get this question frequently. But the idea that we only serve Christian children couldn’t be farther from the truth! Our goal is to serve and empower local churches around the world to effectively minister to children and families living in poverty—regardless of their religious beliefs. What do we mean by […]

date: February 28, 2019
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