Search Results
We found 4 results for the Trips and Visits category. Showing all results.
12 Days of Compassion: Connecting with purpose
Included in the exciting 12 Days of Compassion campaign is a unique opportunity to enter a giveaway to join an experience trip to the Dominican Republic and witness firsthand the impact of compassion in action. This trip extends the opportunity to deeply understand holistic child development and be inspired by the creativity, efficacy and personal […]
Choosing compassionate generosity one day at a time
Compassion volunteer Andrea shares about her transformative journey of radical compassion and generosity
A Canadian pastor shares about seeing God’s compassion for children in poverty
This trip was eye-opening, heart-breaking, mission-inspiring and partnership-affirming.
The Church: the most powerful force against poverty
On the edges of cosmopolitan Mexico City, sits a small community where most homes are made of cinder blocks or other makeshift materials. A young mother, Teresa, stands at her door—a tattered cloth that hangs over the opening of her home. A four-month-old baby sits on her hip, and a seven-year-old stands by her side. Shortly […]