Search Results

We found 10 results for the Generous Living category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Happy Canada Day: A gift to celebrate the generosity of Canadians like you

Happy Canada Day: A gift to celebrate the generosity of Canadians like you

As we celebrate Canada Day this coming month, we want to take the chance to thank you—our generous Canadian supporters! From the oceanside glimmer of Nova Scotia to the majestic mountains of British Colombia, we have been so encouraged by the generosity of people like you across Canada. You walked with us with such joy […]

date: June 27, 2024
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Links to This spring: Add hope to your to-do list

This spring: Add hope to your to-do list

Springtime always brings fresh energy. We finally crack our windows open to let in that crisp, fresh air. Our homes feel sun-soaked and bright, restoring our sense of hope. We pull out a notebook and jot down a to-do list, spurred on by the change of seasons. Hope does that to us—it moves us into […]

date: May 3, 2024
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Links to Easter journal prompts: Exploring impact alongside Jesus

Easter journal prompts: Exploring impact alongside Jesus

Easter is arguably the most reflective time of the year. People across the world prepare their hearts to approach a weekend that commemorates the most impactful events in all human history: the death and resurrection of Jesus. These events are incredibly precious and personal to believers, but they are also profoundly bigger than us. They […]

date: March 22, 2024
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Links to How to raise compassionate kids: A parent’s playbook

How to raise compassionate kids: A parent’s playbook

Parenting is full of deep joys. That first gummy smile. Those first wobbly steps. That very first bike ride. But one of the greatest delights as a Christ-following parent is discipling our kids in the way of Jesus— raising faith-filled and compassionate kids. From reading familiar Bible stories at bedtime and doing fun character-building activities […]

date: March 14, 2024
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Links to 6 surprising benefits of being a generous person

6 surprising benefits of being a generous person

As charities, we often talk about how your generosity benefits the people we serve.  But did you know about the benefits of generosity for your personal life, too? We’re talking about real, concrete benefits. Ones that impact every part of you!   Let’s take a look at 6 surprising benefits of generosity.  1. Generosity makes you […]

date: February 19, 2024
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Links to The happiest thing you can do this year

The happiest thing you can do this year

Have you cozied up for your first Christmas movie of the year? Whether you lean towards the sentimental, the humourous, the classics or the latest release, we all love the touch of holiday magic that is nestled into a good story. We love to watch as characters experience the joy of doing good. There is […]

date: December 8, 2023
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Links to Words that open worlds: 12 books to build compassion in kids

Words that open worlds: 12 books to build compassion in kids

Did you ever have a book that changed your perspective? Stories are powerful, and words open worlds to us. Books let us practice love and concern for people who we may never meet, grow curiosity about others and fuel the emotions that motivate us not just to feel but to do something good. In short, […]

date: August 10, 2023
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Links to How to talk to kids about the global food crisis

How to talk to kids about the global food crisis

The news can be scary for kids (and grown-ups too)! With so much brokenness in the world, it’s tempting to want to shield our children. Many of us wonder how to make our children aware of complex issues like the global food crisis. Heavy conversations can be intimidating. Right now, a global food crisis is […]

date: February 15, 2023
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Links to 10 questions about year-end giving with a financial planner

10 questions about year-end giving with a financial planner

Canadians are generous people! At Compassion Canada, we see that firsthand, especially in December. When the snow starts falling, we also see a flurry of year-end giving. With these gifts, we can help more children to be released from poverty in Jesus’ name and change the communities in which they live.   This year, we’ve […]

date: December 26, 2022
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Links to What does the Bible say about social justice?

What does the Bible say about social justice?

February 20th is World Day of Social Justice. As a child development organization, we love to champion days like today! We also know that the social justice we seek day in and day out is rooted in something much deeper than cultural movements or online trends. The social justice we seek is deeply rooted in Jesus.

date: February 16, 2021
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