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We found 7 results for the Scripture category. Showing all results.
What does it mean to be a good neighbour?
“Love your neighbour as yourself.” As kids in Sunday school, it was the golden rule taught with a flannelgraph. It’s the phrase painted on wooden signs that adorn the walls of our homes. It’s graffitied on brick walls in the downtown streets of our city. Even for those who haven’t grown up in church, the […]
How did Jesus demonstrate compassion?
One of the most remarkable aspects of Jesus’ life was how He demonstrated compassion. It is not only a beautiful way that Jesus shows us God’s character, but also serves as a model for how we can live compassionately today. But how exactly did Jesus demonstrate compassion? Let’s look to Scripture to find examples of […]
Easter journal prompts: Exploring impact alongside Jesus
Easter is arguably the most reflective time of the year. People across the world prepare their hearts to approach a weekend that commemorates the most impactful events in all human history: the death and resurrection of Jesus. These events are incredibly precious and personal to believers, but they are also profoundly bigger than us. They […]
24 powerful Bible verses for Christmas cards
With the Christmas season quickly approaching, there is no better way to share the good news of Jesus than to share the beauty of the Scriptures. We put together 24 powerful and encouraging Bible verses that you can include in your Christmas cards to your loved ones and to the child you sponsor this Christmas. […]
Songs, sketches and scriptures to bring peace in hard times
Take a peaceful break and allow music, art and scripture to minister to you.
7 times Jesus advocates for protecting children in the Bible
As Jesus followers, we know we serve a God whose heart is for children. This is why Compassion works for the rights of children in Jesus’ name. Jesus is not an accessory to the work we do. He is the guidepost. Let’s take a look at the different times Jesus advocated for children in the Bible!
Bible verses about poverty and generosity
Did you know there are more than 300 verses in the Bible that talk about poverty and generosity? God is clear in His word that He cares about those in poverty. He wants us to care for those in poverty as well.