In 1 Corinthians 12, we are told that each person has different gifts with different functions. These gifts are each vitally important in coming together to form the Body of Christ.
We’re not called to do everything, but we’re each called to do something.
When it comes to responding to poverty, the same is true. If you’re wondering how you can use your specific gifts and passions to respond to poverty, take our fun quiz. Tally up your answers to discover some suggestions just for you!
1. What is your favourite school subject?
2. Your friends come to you when…
3. What are you most likely to be doing this Saturday?
4. What is your dream career?
5. What’s on your bucket list?
6. Your friends would describe you as…
7. What’s on your wall?
8. Which of these verses is your favourite?
9. When you need some time to unwind, you…
10. In your perfect world, everyone…
Mostly A
The Host. You have the gift of care and hospitality. In an often unstable world, you make people feel comfortable and safe. Consider cooking meals for a family in need, helping a newcomer family settle into their new home, or inviting at-risk youth into your life or your home.
Mostly B
The Advocate. You value speaking up for low-income communities. When you see something wrong in the world, you want people to know so that we can together make it right. Consider raising awareness about an injustice you care about, such as child labour or human trafficking, writing your elected officials, or volunteering with Compassion to advocate for children living in extreme poverty.
Mostly C
The Prayer Warrior. When you see something wrong, your instinct is to turn to prayer. Prayer is vital in fighting against poverty and injustice—because we know this is really a spiritual battle. Consider joining or starting a prayer ministry at your church, praying for a different country in the world each day, or signing up to receive Compassion’s Monthly Prayer newsletter.
Mostly D
The Creative. You love to create—be it through music, words or images. In a broken world, it’s people like you who inspire beauty that can make all the difference. Consider mentoring a creative student from an at-risk community, lending your creativity to a fundraiser, or using your art to shed light on a specific issue of poverty or injustice.
Mostly E
The Organizer. When things need to get done, you are the one to call. A lot of ideas can bounce around when it comes to responding to poverty, but you are someone who can make it all come together. Consider organizing opportunities for your small group or church to serve in your community, organizing a fundraiser for your favourite organization, or chairing your church’s missions committee.
We hope you feel a little more equipped and empowered to respond to poverty! We are all created unique, but as followers of Jesus, we all have the same mission.
If you want to go deeper and understand more about how to use your gifts to respond to poverty, check out our book and film series for individuals and small groups, called Eyes to See: Reflecting God’s Love to a World in Need. This 30-day journey is designed to give you fresh perspective on God’s hope-filled plan to redeem and restore our world. Start your journey for free today!