
Funding required: $49,410
Child development centre: BO0291, BO0473, BO0814
This initiative will help: 45 moms and their babies
Estimated completion date: June 30, 2025

The most vulnerable people in the world are babies.

Of the 5.2 million children who die around the world each year, 75 per cent die in the first year of life. Babies are at risk of death due to premature birth complications, complications during childbirth, infections, pneumonia and diarrhea.

But this is preventable. With training and support, moms in poverty can be empowered to raise healthy and happy babies.

How does Compassion help moms and babies survive?

Critical care: Your support helps secure access to pre- and postnatal care, skilled birth attendants and medical intervention when necessary.

Home-based care: Mothers are visited in their homes monthly by a Survival specialist, who offers education in prenatal care and early child-rearing as well as one-on-one biblical mentoring.

Group-based learning: At these church-based activities, moms learn skills to earn an income and gain vital knowledge including basic literacy, the importance of breastfeeding and how to prevent malnutrition and disease. These groups combat isolation through a supportive community of mothers who, together, learn about the God who loves them.

Survival in Bolivia

Average age of first-time mothers: 17
Average number of children in household: 5
Births attended by skilled health personnel: 58%
Number of infant deaths per 1,000 births: 21
Stunted growth from malnutrition: 13%

Your gift will provide…

Here are some of the specific activities our church partners in Bolivia have planned:

  • Physical activities: Moms and babies will receive regular medical checkups, including pre- and postnatal care for moms and regular growth monitoring for babies. Any medical costs incurred will be covered by the church. Babies will be vaccinated on schedule, and moms will receive a grocery basket each month. Churches will work with local health professionals to run hygiene and nutrition workshops.
  • Cognitive activities: Moms and babies will enjoy games and activities together to promote babies’ cognitive development and social skills. Moms will learn to stimulate babies’ development through the use of taste, colour, shapes and sounds. Moms will also receive educational materials and toys so they can work through some of these activities at home.
  • Socio-emotional activities: Moms will attend workshops on self-esteem and child protection and learn how to prevent and identify abuse at home. They will learn to bond with their babies through massage, singing and talking to their babies. Moms will also establish and maintain schedules for eating, sleeping, bathing and playing, understanding that each child is unique and special. Moms will have access to counselling services and advice. Celebrating special occasions will let moms know how loved they and their families are. They will also develop healthy friendships as they enjoy recreational outings in nature.
  • Spiritual activities: There will be regular group meetings for moms to pray and worship together. Staff will visit moms at home to give devotional lessons and pray with them. Moms will receive their own Bibles, and churches will provide other events including spiritual retreats and seminars. Moms will engage their babies through children’s Bible stories and songs.
  • Parent and family activities: Income-generating workshops such as baking, knitting and pastry making will help moms learn skills and start small businesses, so they can support their families. Couples will be invited to attend seminars and retreats to strengthen marriages and help them build good relationships with their children. We will teach parents a range of topics relating to parenting, family life and early childhood development.

With your help, we can give babies born into poverty the essential care they need, help their mothers properly care for them during the critical prenatal months and first year of life, and set them on the path to a fulfilled life in Jesus Christ.


No less than 80 per cent of your donation will be used for program activities and a maximum of 20 per cent for fundraising and administration. If we exceed our funding goal for the initiative shown, the remaining funds will be used to fund other programs where the need is greatest.