Sponsor with Compassion

Sponsorship means more now than ever before
child portrait


Togo flag


December 31, 2017


Age: 7




child portrait


Burkina Faso flag
Burkina Faso


November 12, 2018


Age: 6




child portrait


Sri Lanka flag
Sri Lanka


June 19, 2020


Age: 4




child portrait


Brazil flag


July 27, 2019


Age: 5




Portrait of Maurisse

Meet Maurisse

Maurisse is 7 years old and lives in Togo.


Country: Togo

Birthday: December 31, 2017 (7 years old)

Gender: Girl

I live with my grandmother in the Amlamé area. The primary language where I live is French. At home, the chores and duties I'm responsible for are carrying water, cleaning and helping in the kitchen. I like dancing, group games, jumping and singing. My favourite activity at church is Sunday school. I am in the equivalent of grade 1.

Maurisse's Country Details

Togo is a small, narrow country located in Western Africa. Gently rolling savannas in the north give way to hills and low mountains in the central region, then descend to a low coastal plain with many lagoons and marshes. The climate is as diverse as the geography, ranging from tropical in the coastal south to semi-arid in the north.

The people of Togo come from over 30 different tribes, the largest being Ewe, Mina and Kabre. French is the official language, along with four regional African languages. Much of the population practises a religion made up of indigenous beliefs, while the rest are split between Christianity and Islam. Togo's economy is based mostly on commercial and subsistence agriculture. Cassava, yams, cotton, coffee and cacao are some of the most important crops. Togo is also the world's fourth-largest producer of phosphate.

The area that is now Togo was once a land of various separate tribes who lived between the larger kingdoms of Dahomey and Asante. It became part of the German protectorate of Togoland in 1884 and was occupied by the French and British after World War I. In 1946 the land was placed under the trust of the UN. In 1956 French Togoland became an autonomous republic, and in 1960 it achieved full independence as the nation of Togo. Beginning in 1967, Togo was ruled by a military general whose party has maintained power almost continually since that time. Upon the president's death in 2005, the military installed his son and then engineered his formal election two months later, beginning Togo's transition to democracy and leading to its first legitimate elections in October 2007.

African children playing

Compassion’s ministry is focused on what we call holistic child development. This means developing children in all the different aspects of their lives—their minds, bodies and relationships—while giving them the opportunity to hear about and experience the love of Jesus from caring local church staff and volunteers.

How does sponsorship help kids?

Formal and non-formal educational opportunities Compassion assists children with their primary school education and gives opportunities to attend secondary school, as well as providing vocational training opportunities and extra-curricular activities such as sports, field trips, music and computer training.
Health care, hygiene training and supplementary food Kids get a healthy snack or meal when they attend program activities, receive regular health check-ups, and learn how to take care of their bodies and form healthy relationships.
The love and support of a local church and the opportunity to hear about Jesus Because Compassion partners with local churches, children are connected to a local Christian community where they have the opportunity to hear the gospel from caring church staff and volunteers.
Personal attention, guidance and love Children are cared for and invested in by members of their own communities, who encourage them to discover their unique gifts, passions and abilities. Their sponsors also play an important role in this through their prayers and letters.

Is sponsorship still relevant during and beyond the COVID-19 crisis?

During the pandemic, we saw firsthand the impact of crises on children in poverty. We also saw how powerful sponsorship can be in equipping local churches to respond in specific, effective and life-changing ways. As we continue to see multifaceted crises impacting children around the world, we know that the need for sponsorship remains urgent. We are more confident than ever that your commitment to sponsorship truly allows children, families and communities to be deeply known, loved and protected through it all.

Why do you work with local churches?

Compassion works exclusively with local churches because they know the names and faces of the children in their community and can best understand and respond to their challenges. They are known and trusted by their neighbours and are able to reach those in the greatest need with compassion and through the love of God.

We equip our local church partners with the resources, training and expertise to help children escape poverty. Each church is empowered to implement the program in a way that meets the specific needs of the children they serve. In this way the physical, spiritual, emotional and relational needs for children are met as they are empowered to overcome poverty in all its forms.

Do kids need to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

Absolutely not! We encourage children and families of all faiths and backgrounds to register in our programs and would never require or coerce anyone to convert to Christianity.

Learn More

At Compassion, we take financial stewardship seriously.

As certified members of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities, Compassion Canada is committed to handling the finances entrusted to us with the utmost integrity. This year, 84.7 per cent of funds were used for program activities benefiting the children we serve, and 15.3 per cent for support services.

Today, children around the world are discovering that poverty doesn’t have to be their future. Help one more do the same by sponsoring with Compassion!