Search Results

We found 120 results for the Partnership and Support category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to New Compassion centre alert: Zambia officially launches its first Compassion program

New Compassion centre alert: Zambia officially launches its first Compassion program

Do you remember when we announced that Compassion is expanding into four new countries?! Malawi, Zambia, Cambodia and Myanmar are all brand new program countries, totalling 29 program countries for Compassion altogether! We are so excited to see how God will work through our incredible church partners in these countries in the years to come. […]

date: May 23, 2024
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Links to 6 entrepreneurs that inspire us

6 entrepreneurs that inspire us

When you think of entrepreneurs, what comes to mind? Perhaps someone with a lot of passion? Someone with great ideas? Someone with a strong work ethic? By all accounts, these are very accurate. What comes to mind first for us is someone who creates opportunities. This is the pivotal connection between entrepreneurship and poverty. Creating […]

date: May 10, 2024
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Links to This spring: Add hope to your to-do list

This spring: Add hope to your to-do list

Springtime always brings fresh energy. We finally crack our windows open to let in that crisp, fresh air. Our homes feel sun-soaked and bright, restoring our sense of hope. We pull out a notebook and jot down a to-do list, spurred on by the change of seasons. Hope does that to us—it moves us into […]

date: May 3, 2024
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Links to How this mom and business owner is helping other moms in need

How this mom and business owner is helping other moms in need

Aimee Augustine is a mom and business owner who, after having their fifth daughter, took on an unexpected new career supporting her husband’s growing business during the pandemic. Amidst growing a business and balancing work and home lives, they’ve kept the value of being charitable front and centre. They give a portion of every sale […]

date: April 30, 2024
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Links to National Volunteer Week: Celebrating the many kinds of volunteers in the Compassion world

National Volunteer Week: Celebrating the many kinds of volunteers in the Compassion world

Time. Doesn’t it seem like it can pass without notice these days—doom scrolled away? We all know that time is precious—it collects into moments of impact, for better or worse. Moments that matter. This year’s theme for National Volunteer Week reminds us that every moment matters. Volunteering is one of the most powerful ways to […]

date: April 12, 2024
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Links to Her final letter: B.C. sponsor leaves legacy of hope for young girls in Peru

Her final letter: B.C. sponsor leaves legacy of hope for young girls in Peru

If you could write a final letter to your loved ones, what would you write? Of all the things you’ve accomplished throughout your life and the person you’ve become, what would you want your loved ones to remember? For Gail of Sooke, B.C., the answer came easily. She beautifully wrote about her life’s message—unwavering faith […]

date: April 4, 2024
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Links to Wonderfully made: Meet 3 incredible Compassion kids with Down syndrome

Wonderfully made: Meet 3 incredible Compassion kids with Down syndrome

Around the world, kids with Down syndrome face immense challenges: They are denied a quality education, good health care, the chance to work and earn their own money and the right to make decisions about their own lives (WDSD). Compassion is committed to releasing all children from poverty in Jesus’ name—regardless of their challenges and […]

date: March 19, 2024
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Links to You are the story: 60 years with Compassion Canada

You are the story: 60 years with Compassion Canada

Imagine this: Your tray table is folded up and you are fidgeting on the cramped fabric seat you were assigned. You tuck your elbows in, glue your knees together and lean towards the small window to your right. Take-off was a little bumpy, but now you just have the buzz of the airplane jets humming […]

date: February 22, 2024
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Links to The 3 most unpopular Gifts of Compassion

The 3 most unpopular Gifts of Compassion

Sometimes, the lack of understanding of their power and impact causes these amazing gifts to fly under the radar. So today, we wanted to share some of our most unpopular, ungifted gifts and give you the inside scoop on how amazing they really are. 

date: February 15, 2024
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Links to Go for the Goals: Mobilizing partnerships to prioritize children in the world’s sustainable development efforts

Go for the Goals: Mobilizing partnerships to prioritize children in the world’s sustainable development efforts

Goal setting. What’s your reaction when you hear that phrase? If you’ve been to any leadership conference or workshop, it will be no surprise to you that as a leader, I have been exposed to more than my fair share of personality indicators and leadership style tools. Every single one has told me what I […]

date: February 5, 2024
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