On July 13, a small group of Compassion sponsors were part of a first-of-its-kind Compassion Canada virtual event. They had the opportunity to join Compassion alumna Ria on a virtual visit to her former Compassion centre, hear more about the impact of sponsorship, and listen in as Ria was reunited with several important people in her life.
We captured a recording of the call and some behind-the-scenes footage so that even more people can witness these special moments with Ria.
Watch the recording of the event and learn more about the impact of Compassion sponsorship
- 0:00 to 5:00 – Introduction and prayer
- 5:00 to 8:33 – Ministry presentation from Ria’s Compassion centre
- 8:33 to 42:11 – Panel with Ria, Carol (Compassion centre director and former sponsored child) and Alvina (Ria’s former sponsor)
- 10:05 – What was your favourite memory during your sponsorship?
- 13:36 – What is something sponsors should know about sponsorship that they might not?
- 17:22 – [To Ria] What did you love reading about in your sponsor’s letters?
- 18:07 – [To Alvina] What do you remember about the moment you became a Compassion sponsor?
- 21:17 – [To Carol] What was sponsorship’s impact on your family’s spiritual life?
- 22:23 – [To Carol] What are some of the challenges facing your community in the Philippines right now? How can we be praying for you?
- 25:14 – [To Ria] As a sponsor, what can I do when it comes to letter writing or other aspects of sponsorship to make the most impact?
- 27:01 – [To Ria] What is it like to re-connect with your former centre and what are your hopes for your community?
- 28:47 – Ria shares some photos from her time being sponsored.
- 31:06 – [To Carol] As a sponsor, what can I do when it comes to letter writing or other aspects of sponsorship to make the most impact?
- 32:57 – [To Carol] What is a typical day at a Compassion centre like?
- 34:02 – [To Carol] What happens when kids don’t get a letter? Do kids like digital letters or handwritten letters better?
- 35:55 – Have Ria and Alvina met in person?
- 37:18 – Final word from each panelist: what is the one thing you would say to a captive audience of Compassion sponsors and supporters?
- 42:11 to 46:11 – Ria’s testimony video
- 46:11 to 50:31 – A surprise visit with Roger, the child Ria sponsors from her former centre!
Help spark a story like Ria’s.
Sponsor a child from the Philippines.
Videography by Kyle Kim. Photography by Micah Tam.