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We found 4 results for the Uganda category. Showing all results.
Eric’s story: What makes life meaningful?
Each of our lives is one story comprised of many. The stories of our families, the stories of our communities, the stories of our circumstances and perhaps most importantly, the stories whispered to our hearts. It is those stories, the quiet and unrelenting narratives, that can have the biggest influence on our lives. Eric’s life […]
Miracle triplets say “Thank you” for their new home!
Together with friends across Australia, Canada and the United States, your support provided a safe and secure home for single mother Annet and her miraculous triplets just in time for their fourth birthday! A year and a half down the track, we check in on the triplets.
Where do you get your water? 8 photos from around the world
When you need a glass of water, need to brush your teeth or wash your dishes, where do you get your water? Do you turn on the tap in the kitchen? Or get water out of the fridge? In 2019, access to clean water might not seem like an issue that we should still be […]
Kaitlin Boyda, a 17-year-old girl from Lethbridge, Alberta, struggled with an incurable brain tumour since the summer of 2009. While other kids her age were busy texting and thinking about prom, she went through two surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. But when the Children’s Wish Foundation approached Kaitlin to grant her a wish to brighten her […]