Search Results

We found 107 results for the Resources category. Showing results 31 to 40.

Links to How to talk to kids about the global food crisis

How to talk to kids about the global food crisis

The news can be scary for kids (and grown-ups too)! With so much brokenness in the world, it’s tempting to want to shield our children. Many of us wonder how to make our children aware of complex issues like the global food crisis. Heavy conversations can be intimidating. Right now, a global food crisis is […]

date: February 15, 2023
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Links to Culture at Compassion: Q&A with Misty Fonseca, Chief People Officer

Culture at Compassion: Q&A with Misty Fonseca, Chief People Officer

People and purpose. It takes just a short amount of time with Misty Fonseca, Compassion Canada’s Chief People Officer, to see how much those two things are on her heart. Misty has been leading human resources at Compassion Canada for nine years. We sat down with Misty to talk about being a People and Culture […]

date: January 30, 2023
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Links to Kids and family devotionals you need to know about

Kids and family devotionals you need to know about

Bible reading is for everyone! If you’re looking for kids and family devotionals, we’re here to help. A new year is a fantastic time for everyone in the family to start new habits and get kids of all ages involved. If you’re looking for some great resources, we recommend YouVersion’s Bible App! This app can […]

date: January 12, 2023
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Links to 10 questions about year-end giving with a financial planner

10 questions about year-end giving with a financial planner

Canadians are generous people! At Compassion Canada, we see that firsthand, especially in December. When the snow starts falling, we also see a flurry of year-end giving. With these gifts, we can help more children to be released from poverty in Jesus’ name and change the communities in which they live.   This year, we’ve […]

date: December 26, 2022
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Links to 5 socially conscious gifts you can put under the tree

5 socially conscious gifts you can put under the tree

When it comes to giving a gift, it has always been the thought that counts! This year, why not show the ones you love that you are not only thinking about them, but also the environmental and ethical impact that giving has by giving a socially conscious gift this Christmas. We love that Canadians are […]

date: December 5, 2022
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Links to How Compassion is responding to global HIV inequalities

How Compassion is responding to global HIV inequalities

Each year on December 1st, the world commemorates World AIDS Day. It’s a time when people around the world unite to show support for people living with and affected by HIV and to create more awareness and understanding around the epidemic. This World AIDS Day, UNAIDS is urging each of us to address the inequalities […]

date: December 1, 2022
comments: 0 comments
Links to How to pray for the global food crisis

How to pray for the global food crisis

2022 has been a year of an unparalleled global food crisis. According to the World Food Program, as many as 828 million people go to bed hungry every night. The number of those facing severe food insecurity continues to rise as countries teeter on the brink of famine. And for people already living in poverty, […]

date: November 17, 2022
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Links to Global poverty statistics in 2024

Global poverty statistics in 2024

In 2024, progress is urgently needed to address the many sobering global poverty statistics we see and hear. With information flying at us at record speeds, we don’t often let it all sink in. But numbers and statistics can speak volumes. The needs they represent are embodied in real lives and experiences. Behind every statistic […]

date: November 1, 2022
comments: 0 comments
Links to How community kitchens can fight malnutrition

How community kitchens can fight malnutrition

When you have guests in your home, where do they tend to congregate? We wouldn’t be surprised if you said the kitchen. Kitchens have a magnetic pull and become the central gathering place in many homes. It’s not just the irresistible smells that waft from that room that draw people in, but the warm hub […]

date: November 1, 2022
comments: 0 comments
Links to NEW GIFT: Give Solar Power to families in poverty this Christmas

NEW GIFT: Give Solar Power to families in poverty this Christmas

What feelings does a beautiful sunset elicit in you? For so many, seeing the sky ablaze with splashes of colour just before dusk evokes feelings of awe and wonder. But for eight-year-old Neymar in Peru, sunset is one of the least favourite parts of his day. Around 5 p.m. each day, single mother Cintia oversees […]

date: November 1, 2022
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