Search Results

We found 107 results for the Resources category. Showing results 61 to 70.

Links to What does the Bible say about social justice?

What does the Bible say about social justice?

February 20th is World Day of Social Justice. As a child development organization, we love to champion days like today! We also know that the social justice we seek day in and day out is rooted in something much deeper than cultural movements or online trends. The social justice we seek is deeply rooted in Jesus.

date: February 16, 2021
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Links to The Nativity Story as told by children

The Nativity Story as told by children

We pray that hearing the story of our Saviour’s birth from the mouths of children would bring you much-needed joy, laughter and hope this Christmas.

date: December 22, 2020
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Links to 16 messages of hope written to you by Compassion kids

16 messages of hope written to you by Compassion kids

At the end of a hard year, Compassion kids from around the globe share handwritten messages of encouragement just for you as you head into the new year!

date: December 8, 2020
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Links to Celebrating 10 years of Gifts of Compassion!

Celebrating 10 years of Gifts of Compassion!

Ten years ago, we released our first-ever Gifts of Compassion gift guide. Every year, Canadians have responded with overwhelming generosity. Today, we want to pause and celebrate the impact we’ve made together through 10 years of Gifts of Compassion. The impact of 10 years In 10 years, Gifts of Compassion has raised over $11.5 million, […]

date: November 30, 2020
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Links to The power of income generation gifts in the fight against poverty

The power of income generation gifts in the fight against poverty

For those of us who love to cut to the chase when we are problem-solving, there is good news for you! Though child poverty is a complex crisis that requires dynamic solutions (meaning breaking the cycle of poverty is never one-size-fits-all and requires a holistic response), there is a way to make a direct impact […]

date: November 25, 2020
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Links to 5 amazing reasons why Compassion kids love backyard farming gifts

5 amazing reasons why Compassion kids love backyard farming gifts

Ever wonder why we sell farm animals at Christmas time? Compassion kids are here to tell you why.

date: November 23, 2020
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Links to Prayer for World Children’s Day: A prayer guide

Prayer for World Children’s Day: A prayer guide

Join us in prayer for World Children’s Day! One impactful action in the fight against child poverty that is available to each and every one of us is prayer. Prayer matters. In fact, Scripture tells us that our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5:16). We invite you to join us in seven simple prayers […]

date: November 18, 2020
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Links to 12 things I’ve learned in the last 12 months

12 things I’ve learned in the last 12 months

It’s been quite a year!  Allison Alley reflects on leading people in God’s purposes during her first year as President and CEO of Compassion Canada.

date: October 23, 2020
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Links to Choosing compassionate generosity one day at a time

Choosing compassionate generosity one day at a time

Compassion volunteer Andrea shares about her transformative journey of radical compassion and generosity

date: October 20, 2020
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Links to Miracle triplets: Six years later!

Miracle triplets: Six years later!

Do you remember the miracle triplets? Compassion has been journeying with this special family for years. Here’s an exciting update from their thriving family.

date: September 23, 2020
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