Search Results

We found 115 results for the Global Program category. Showing results 81 to 90.

Links to 8 scriptures to bring back to school with you in uncertain times

8 scriptures to bring back to school with you in uncertain times

Stick these scriptures in your notebooks, write them in a lunchbox note or send them to someone who needs an encouraging word!

date: September 3, 2020
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Links to Why efforts to end poverty matter now more than ever

Why efforts to end poverty matter now more than ever

Global progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals is being devastated by COVID-19, but our efforts to respond won’t be stopped.

date: August 20, 2020
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Links to Busting some myths on Compassion and community development

Busting some myths on Compassion and community development

This article was originally published in Compassion Canada’s Summer 2020 Magazine. Because we are so committed to and focused on individual child development, a common myth about Compassion’s program is that we don’t do wider community development projects. But the fact is, we invest a lot in community development through what we call our Complementary […]

date: July 16, 2020
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Links to 5 things children with albinism want you to know

5 things children with albinism want you to know

Meet playful Selinah, deep thinker Grace and science whiz Yona—three young people with dreams and determination who also have albinism. Albinism is rare genetic condition that reduces the amount of melanin formed in the skin, hair and eyes, and can create serious health and social challenges. Yet this trio hopes you will see how they […]

date: June 11, 2020
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Links to Stepping up towards global goals

Stepping up towards global goals

Here’s how your generosity is helping to achieve the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

date: June 10, 2020
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Links to The Safe Haven

The Safe Haven

We serve a God who became flesh and made his dwelling among us, or as The Message paraphrases it, a God who moved into the neighbourhood to live life with the vulnerable, the sick and the hurting (John 1:14). We wanted to give you an up-close look at how Compassion’s church partners in Thailand have moved into the neighbourhood to do just that— preserve dignity and protect children from exploitation.

date: June 9, 2020
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Links to Stories of how Compassion centres are responding to COVID-19: Part Two

Stories of how Compassion centres are responding to COVID-19: Part Two

Compassion’c local church partners are stepping up to support the children and families in our programs during this time.

date: April 8, 2020
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Links to Stories of how Compassion Centres are Responding to COVID-19: Part One

Stories of how Compassion Centres are Responding to COVID-19: Part One

Our church partners have been part of daily life in their communities for years. Now, in a time of crisis, they are able to quickly respond to rapidly changing situations.

date: April 7, 2020
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Links to A Canadian pastor shares about seeing God’s compassion for children in poverty

A Canadian pastor shares about seeing God’s compassion for children in poverty

This trip was eye-opening, heart-breaking, mission-inspiring and partnership-affirming.

date: February 20, 2020
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Links to An inspiring update on the boy with the bright blue eyes

An inspiring update on the boy with the bright blue eyes

Two years ago, we shared the story of the incredible Ugandan baby boy with ocean blue eyes and a bold streak on his forehead. Today, Shakul is 4-years-old and is taking the world by storm despite his physical difference.

date: January 31, 2020
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