Search Results

We found 107 results for the Global Program category. Showing results 81 to 90.

Links to A Canadian pastor shares about seeing God’s compassion for children in poverty

A Canadian pastor shares about seeing God’s compassion for children in poverty

This trip was eye-opening, heart-breaking, mission-inspiring and partnership-affirming.

date: February 20, 2020
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Links to An inspiring update on the boy with the bright blue eyes

An inspiring update on the boy with the bright blue eyes

Two years ago, we shared the story of the incredible Ugandan baby boy with ocean blue eyes and a bold streak on his forehead. Today, Shakul is 4-years-old and is taking the world by storm despite his physical difference.

date: January 31, 2020
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Links to How child sponsorship prevents human trafficking

How child sponsorship prevents human trafficking

Poverty puts children at a higher risk of being trafficked. That’s why releasing children from poverty is key to preventing human trafficking—and that is exactly what child sponsorship does.

date: January 9, 2020
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Links to Miracle triplets say “Thank you” for their new home!

Miracle triplets say “Thank you” for their new home!

Together with friends across Australia, Canada and the United States, your support provided a safe and secure home for single mother Annet and her miraculous triplets just in time for their fourth birthday! A year and a half down the track, we check in on the triplets.

date: November 21, 2019
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Links to Child sponsorship: Get the facts

Child sponsorship: Get the facts

At Compassion, we value you, our partners in mission, deeply. Our hope is to be transparent with the ins and outs of our ministry. One of the ways we do that is by addressing your questions—big or small!

date: October 24, 2019
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Links to The future is bright when kids in poverty get education

The future is bright when kids in poverty get education

In this article: How education inspires students in poverty to dream. How education helps students move forward from trauma. How education jumpstarts remarkable careers for students living in poverty. Heading back to school in September is a given for the vast majority of children and youth in Canada. It’s certainly easy to take education for […]

date: September 19, 2019
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Links to “I am beautiful like my mother”

“I am beautiful like my mother”

Precious Karunia bubbles with life. Her sweet smile and joyful demeanor are magnetic.  She is resilient in a world that resists difference.  She is strong in the face of adversity. She embraces each day in her home of South Bongkudai with a joyful song on her lips— running and laughing with friends whimsical and care […]

date: July 25, 2019
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Links to 3 young Rwandans pursue peace after genocide

3 young Rwandans pursue peace after genocide

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9 *Warning: This account contains disturbing details of violence. It’s been 25 years since the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, and though time has passed, the people of Rwanda will never be the same. The genocide was started in April of 1994 […]

date: March 29, 2019
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Links to Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

As a Christian ministry, we get this question frequently. But the idea that we only serve Christian children couldn’t be farther from the truth! Our goal is to serve and empower local churches around the world to effectively minister to children and families living in poverty—regardless of their religious beliefs. What do we mean by […]

date: February 28, 2019
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Links to Escaping slavery on the most dangerous lake in Africa

Escaping slavery on the most dangerous lake in Africa

The world was dark when Uncle’s stick came rattling at the door. Forced up from the depths of sleep, Ebenezer broke the surface of his dream and rolled to his feet before the man could whip him awake. He followed the line of boys out of the grimy compound and down to the water’s edge; […]

date: February 6, 2019
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