Search Results

We found 27 results for the Education category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to How child labour destroys childhood joy

How child labour destroys childhood joy

The sound of children laughing and shrieking as they jump through front lawn sprinklers while their bare feet run freely through freshly cut blades of grass. The tune of the ice cream truck hearkening boys and girls on their scooters and bikes as they follow the familiar melody with the gusto of that “just-out-of-school” joy. […]

date: June 10, 2022
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Links to Martin’s story: A life of service and giving back

Martin’s story: A life of service and giving back

One of the beautiful things about children is their pure and contagious joy. Their ability to see goodness and experience happiness in the small, seemingly insignificant things around them. Childhood naivety can be a gift from God, especially when the circumstances surrounding a child’s life are not the best. It’s as if the harsher realities […]

date: June 2, 2022
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Links to Part Two: Child protection in action

Part Two: Child protection in action

Warning: This content includes mention of abuse. We recommend you read with discretion. When we say children matter, we mean it. Our local church partners all around the world are committed to empowering, educating and establishing the necessary systems to ensure that every child can develop into their God-given potential. And that’s why prioritizing the […]

date: May 5, 2022
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Links to Liz’s story: Encountering Jesus through sponsorship

Liz’s story: Encountering Jesus through sponsorship

Liz’s childhood Hunger. Violence. Drugs. Robberies. Gangs. This was the childhood community Liz recalls growing up in at only six years old. As a little girl on her way to school, she would often have to walk past a street commonly known as “Smoke Alley” because of the grey, eye-watering haze that surrounded the area. […]

date: April 1, 2022
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Links to 4 answers on exactly where your money goes when you sponsor a child

4 answers on exactly where your money goes when you sponsor a child

Have you ever wondered what happens to your money when you decide to sponsor a child? Or have you been sponsoring a child for years and were always curious about exactly where your money goes and what it’s doing? Well, continue to read on and learn about how sponsorship makes a practical difference for children […]

date: March 30, 2022
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Links to Owen’s story: How sponsorship released him into his God-given potential

Owen’s story: How sponsorship released him into his God-given potential

 The slums of Nairobi, Kenya are a hard place to grow up in. Owen knows this firsthand. As a child, he lived in the slums with his two siblings and his mother. Their daily lives were made heavy by the financial constraints of living on $5-$10 per month. Every day, Owen woke up with […]

date: March 10, 2022
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Links to How local churches are setting girls free from FGM in Jesus’ name!

How local churches are setting girls free from FGM in Jesus’ name!

Warning: This content includes mention of abuse and sexual violence against girls. We recommend you read with discretion. Everything changed when Florence turned 12. Instead of a birthday party or a sentimental mother-daughter ceremony to celebrate her transition from childhood to becoming a young lady, Florence’s family received a marriage offer and a bride price. […]

date: February 4, 2022
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Links to Where are they now? Ten students received the gift of tuition

Where are they now? Ten students received the gift of tuition

It happens to all of us. We pick out the perfect gift for someone, wrap it up and deliver it with lots of love. Then, time passes and you wonder… Did my gift have an impact? It is a joy to know the gifts we give have made an impact. We know it is no […]

date: December 3, 2021
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Links to Celebrating the world’s Indigenous peoples and partnerships that honour and empower

Celebrating the world’s Indigenous peoples and partnerships that honour and empower

Worldwide, there are more than 476 million Indigenous people and 5,000 Indigenous people groups spread across at least 90 countries. Although Indigenous peoples make up just 5 per cent of the world’s population, they account for about 15 per cent of the global extreme poor. Indigenous people are nearly three times more likely to be […]

date: August 5, 2021
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Links to ‘We are at a critical juncture in human history’: 5 ways to take action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals

‘We are at a critical juncture in human history’: 5 ways to take action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations reports that the pandemic has halted or reversed years and even decades of development progress. This is the sobering reality highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021. The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are […]

date: July 29, 2021
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